Ask Me Anything
Ask your questions. Get real answers.
Using artificial intelligence and voice-recognition software, we’re connecting you to people in the careers you’re curious about.

Ask Me Anything: Dr. Katie Berlacher
Do you want to be a doctor? What does it take to become one? Talk to cardiologist Dr. Katie Berlacher.

Ask Me Anything: Maia Chaka
Do you have to play a sport to make a career in sports? What's the best way to break into the industry? Talk to NFL official Maia Chaka.

Ask Me Anything: Hill Harper
When did you know what you wanted to be? Who mentored you along the way? Talk to actor Hill Harper.

Ask Me Anything: Antony Randall
What's the best part of your job? Did you enjoy school? Talk to ecopreneur Antony Randall.

Ask Me Anything: Krista Kim
What is the metaverse? How do you create NFTs? Talk to Krista Kim, a digital artist.