Check It Out: Sports Movies and Podcasts

Sports fans, check out this list of sports-themed movies and podcast series. Which of them sound good to you?
Undefeated (2011, PG-13) This documentary profiles an inner-city football team trying to make it to its first playoff. The movie focuses on how the team’s coach encourages and develops his athletes. Any aspiring coach will learn a lot from watching Bill Courtney build relationships with his players.
Rudy (1993, PG)This sentimental favorite is inspired by a real-life underdog who achieved an impossible dream. Not only is Rudy smaller and less experienced than all the other guys, but his grades aren’t great. With heart and determination, he’s able to play for Notre Dame football. Watch this movie to see how perseverance can help anyone achieve their goals.
Moneyball (2011, PG-13) This movie started out as a nonfiction book by Michael Lewis. It relates the insider story of a low-budget team that used statistics to turn their fortunes around in baseball. Baseball fans everywhere loved it. If you’re that person who knows every player’s stats, this movie and book are for you.
30 for 30 This podcast series from ESPN—and the TV series from which it evolved—is the gold standard for sports documentaries. There are nine seasons of the podcast to explore, and episodes of the TV series date back to 2009.Â
Good Stuff Sports We all need a pick-me-up from time to time—a little inspiration to motivate us to work hard and follow our dreams. This podcast features interviews with sports professionals from all different backgrounds. It covers sports from handball to hiking, and professions from author and coach to sports-themed toy designer.
ESPN Daily If you love all things sports, this daily podcast is for you. Each episode discusses the most important breaking sports news. Then it dives deeper. You’ll end each episode with a greater understanding not only of the sport being discussed, but also the business dealings, controversies, and medical issues that surround it.
The Work in Sports Podcast Did you know you could make a career out of posting on social media for your favorite team? Learn about this job and lots more on The Work in Sports Podcast. Listen to the podcast and watch the related YouTube channel for unconventional career ideas and great advice on how to explore the varied jobs available in the sports world.