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Discover how young people are making a difference in both everyday and remarkable ways. Read more now.

Kid of the Month: Lena Ford

Lena Ford, 9, delivers kindness through care packages and special programs for kids. "My goal is to spread positivity," she says.
Food Insecurity

Kid of the Month: Elaina Johnson

Elaina Johnson, 10, thinks everyone can help in the fight against food insecurity. "No matter if you’re young, old, short, tall, you can always do something," she says.

Kid of the Month: Mateo Lange

Mateo Lange, 15, started a recycling program to benefit his baseball team and community. It was a lot of work, he says, but “it was actually a lot of fun" too!

Kids of the Month: Brooke and Haili

Siblings Brooke, 13, and Haili, 16, donate culturally diverse books to classrooms nationwide. “All kids should see themselves represented in books so that they enjoy reading,” Haili says.