Start It Up!

Every year, thousands of children write to the president. But 11-year-old Frank “FX” Giaccio, of Falls Church, Virginia, had an unusual request: He asked to mow the White House lawn. In his letter, Frank explained that he’d started a lawn-mowing business, and he offered to do this job for free.
To Frank’s surprise, the White House agreed. So last September, he spent five hours there. He mowed the Rose Garden lawn and met President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
Frank’s budding business benefited from the high-profile job. His experience was far from typical, but summer is a terrific time to start a business. Think through what might work for you.

Great job! Frank Giaccio high-fives President Donald Trump.
MIKE THEILER—AFP/GETTY IMAGESDo my likes match up with local needs?
Being passionate about your idea is step 1. But people have to be willing to pay for your product or service. Frank thought about ideas like dog walking and house-sitting but didn’t think they’d yield much business. He says the “lightbulb turned on” when he heard a lawn mower. After all, there were more lawns than dogs in his neighborhood.
How can I compete?
There are four ways to make yourself stand out from other businesses. Marketers call them the “four Ps”—price, product, promotion, and place (where or how your product or service is sold). Frank decided to compete on price. He charges only $8, which is less than his competitors. Frank’s job at the White House was great promotion.
Will I make a profit?
First, figure out how much you need to charge for your product or service. The price needs to cover your costs (gas for the mower, in Frank’s case) and justify the time you spend doing it. Look at how much others in your area charge. Consider setting your price lower because you have less experience.
What do I want to achieve?
That’s the question to ask, says Steven Gordon, president of Lemonade Day National, a program that teaches kids how to run a business. Your goal can be something you want to buy, a charity you want to support, or learning enough to move on to bigger things. For Frank, that means going to college, being a Navy Seal, and opening a Lego resort. “Then, once I get old enough, I’ll run for president,” he says. —By Hayden Field
Family Challenge
Ask a parent if he or she remembers having a summer job at your age, even if it was just a lemonade stand. Ask: What did you learn? What could you have done differently? Then brainstorm ideas for you.