Baby animals look similar to their parents. But they are smaller. And they have different names. Do you know any of these names? Here are some examples.
A baby rabbit is called a kit or kitten.
SAJE—GETTY IMAGESA mother rabbit can give birth to 14 kittens at a time. The kittens sleep in a nest in the ground.
A baby deer is called a fawn.
DGWILDLIFE/GETTY IMAGESA fawn has a reddish coat with white spots. This helps it blend in.
A baby duck is called a duckling.
PAUL GRACE PHOTOGRAPHY SOMERSHAM/GETTY IMAGESA duckling hatches from an egg. It stays close to its mother. It follows her everywhere.
A baby sheep is called a lamb.
GEORGE W. JOHNSON—GETTY IMAGESLambs are often born as twins. They can walk right after being born.