What's That Feeling?
Can you name your feelings? This is an important skill. It is called emotional intelligence. All feelings are normal. Naming them can help you understand them better.
You can feel happy.
PEOPLEIMAGES/GETTY IMAGESSome people like tasty treats. They smile or laugh when they get one. These are signs of happiness. What makes you happy?
You can feel sad.
JOSE LUIS PELAEZ INC./ GETTY IMAGESSadness can make you frown or cry. You might not have much energy. Who helps you when you are sad?
You can feel anxious.
SYDNEY BOURNE—GETTY IMAGESDo you feel nervous or worried? Squeeze something soft for comfort. Or talk to a trusted adult.
You can feel angry.
YASSER CHALID—GETTY IMAGESAnger is a strong feeling. You might put your hands on your hips or stomp your feet. Taking deep breaths can help.