What is that Sign?

Street signs and markings
a mark, such as something painted on a surface, that acts as a sign or guide
The marking on the track showed runners where to start.
are all around us. It is important to pay attention to them. They help keep us safe. Learn about some of them here.
Safe to Cross

Crosswalks tell us where to cross the street.
Wait Your Turn

An orange hand tells walkers to stop. It is not safe to cross a street when you see this sign.
Time to Go

This sign means it is safe to cross. Cars are supposed to wait. But you should always look both ways before crossing a street.
A Sign You Can Feel

Have you ever noticed a bumpy strip? It warns that the pavement
a surface that is paved, such as a sidewalk or street
Bike tires might slip on wet pavement.
is changing or ending. It helps people who have trouble seeing.
Did You Know?

A person who is walking is called a pedestrian. Some street signs use that word. See if you can spot the word pedestrian next time you are out!