This Just In!
It’s good to know what’s going on in the world and in your community. Reporters keep us informed. They gather the facts and write news stories. Here’s how a reporter gets the scoop scoop SOUTH_AGENCY—GETTY IMAGES information (noun) Liz talked to people who were there to get the scoop. .
Reporters do research research DOUGLAS SACHA—GETTY IMAGES the process of gathering facts (noun) Carlos did research before buying a new car. .
WESTEND61/GETTY IMAGESReporters read books and articles article JGI/JAMIE GRILL—GETTY IMAGES a piece of writing in a magazine or newspaper (noun) I wrote an article about football for the newspaper. . They watch the latest news. This research helps them know what questions to ask.
Reporters do interviews.
BRETT CARLSEN—GETTY IMAGESReporters talk to people. They ask questions. They listen carefully. Doing interviews helps a reporter uncover uncover PEOPLEIMAGES—GETTY IMAGES to make known (verb) The detective uncovered a clue that helped him solve the mystery. a story.
Reporters write stories.
HILL STREET STUDIOS/GETTY IMAGESAfter gathering the facts, reporters sit down to write. They add quotes from interviews to help tell the story.
Reporters check their work.
REZA ESTAKHRIAN—GETTY IMAGESReporters tell the truth. They check their work to make sure they have gotten all the facts right. If they have made a mistake, they fix it.
Did You Know?
KLOSFOTO/GETTY IMAGESA reporter uses tools on the job. A notebook is good for jotting things down. A voice recorder is used to capture a conversation.