Teeth at Work

Teeth have a big job. They help us chew food. They help us talk. It is important to take good care of your teeth. Learn more about them.
Take a Bite

Some teeth are rounded. Some are sharp. We use rounded back teeth to grind food. This makes the food easier to swallow. We use sharp front teeth to bite into food.
Brush Up

Brushing keeps teeth clean. You should brush in the morning and at bedtime.
Open Wide

Visit the dentist twice a year. Dentists clean your teeth. They check for cavities. A cavity is a part of a tooth that is not healthy. A dentist can fix that.
Smile Big

Kids have 20 teeth. They fall out. New ones grow in. Adults have 32 teeth. Are any of your teeth loose?
Did You Know?
Different teeth do different jobs. Read about a cat's teeth.

CANINE TEETH are pointy and sharp. They stab and tear food.
INCISORS are sharp and flat. They bite and cut food.
MOLARS are wide and strong. They crush and mash up food.