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Appreciating Teachers

Miguel Cardona talks about his plans for schools in the U.S. CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES

Miguel Cardona was a teacher. Now he is the U.S. Secretary of Education. TIME for Kids asked for his thoughts about teachers.

TIME for Kids: What do teachers do?

Cardona: Teachers shape lives. They help us become who we are. We should appreciate them every day.

TFK: What do teachers need?

Cardona: They need to feel respected. They need to know we value them. This will help them be their best.

TFK: How can schools thank teachers?

Cardona: Some schools have marching bands. They march for teachers in the hallway. Some schools give teachers treats. There are many ways for schools to show they care.

TFK: How can students thank their teachers?

Cardona: Students can try their best in class. And they should care for one another. That is the best gift for a teacher.