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Red Giant

April 4, 2024

Meet the giant Pacific octopus. It is found all around the Pacific Ocean. It is the world’s biggest octopus. The biggest one ever known was 30 feet across. That is about as long as a school bus. These animals have…


Earth Science

Fossil Finds

March 29, 2024

Fossils are the remains of plants or animals from long ago. They can be bones or teeth. Or they can be impressions in rock. Rock Stars People who study fossils are paleontologists. They dig for fossils. These scientists have…



A Dino-Mite Job

March 28, 2024

Myria Perez is a paleontologist. She works at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. It is in Washington, D.C. Perez told TIME for Kids about her job. 1. What do you love most about your work? I like that…



Plant a Tree

March 1, 2024

Trees are good for the planet. They make clean air for us to breathe. They give us the shade we need on hot days. Planting trees makes the world a healthier place. They are not just good for people. Birds…



Busy Bees

February 16, 2024

Bees are insects. They live together in beehives. Life in a beehive is busy. But each bee knows its job. See what goes on inside a hive. Bees live together. Thousands of bees live in a beehive. They work together.…



Buzzing Order

February 16, 2024

Bees work as a team. This helps the colony survive. Different bees have different jobs. Each job is important. Each hive has one queen bee. She is the biggest bee. She is the only bee that lays eggs. Worker bees…



Spring Sights

February 2, 2024

Spring is a season of beginnings. All around you, nature is springing to life! The weather is getting warmer. Daylight lasts longer. Look outside. Here are some signs you might see of spring. Babies are born. Baby animals are born…



Tree Study

February 2, 2024

Trees come back to life in the spring. They need food and water to grow. Learn how the parts of a tree keep a tree healthy. 1. Leaves Leaves soak up sunlight. This helps the tree grow. 2. Branches…



Amphibian Facts

January 26, 2024

Amphibians are animals that can live on land and in water. You can find them in rivers, lakes, and forests. They eat bugs and worms. There are different kinds of amphibians. Read about some of them. Toads and Frogs …



Lifecycle of a Frog

January 26, 2024

A frog goes through four stages of life. As the frog grows, it changes. This is called metamorphosis. Here are the four stages. Egg Female frogs lay eggs. Tadpoles hatch from these eggs. It takes from one to three weeks…
