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Babies Are Born

February 3, 2023

Many animals are born in the spring. The weather is warmer. The days are longer. The plants that animals eat start to grow. Here are four kinds of baby animals you might see in spring. A baby rabbit is called…



How Old?

February 3, 2023

A life span is the amount of time an animal usually lives. Different types of animals have different life spans. Mayfly (Above) Adult female mayflies might live only five minutes. Adult males can live two whole days! Aldabra Giant Tortoise …


Earth Science

Grasslands Food Chain

December 14, 2022

Do you know some of these plants and animals? They live on grasslands in Africa. Learn how energy moves among them. Primary Producers Plants use sunlight and water to grow. Animals eat them. This gives the animals energy. Primary Consumers …


Ready for Winter

November 11, 2022

Winter can be very cold. Less food grows. Animals have to prepare for these changes. Here is how some animals get ready for winter. Some animals migrate. Many birds migrate. They go where it is warm for the winter. Monarch…


Arctic Animals

November 11, 2022

The Arctic is the area around the north pole. It is one of the coldest and iciest habitats. Here is how animals survive there. Walruses have blubber. (Above) Blubber is a layer of fat. It keeps walruses warm. Reindeer have…



Awesome Orcas

February 11, 2022

Have you heard of orcas? They are also called killer whales. That is because of their hunting skills. They eat fish, seals, and penguins. They even eat sharks! Orcas are smart and social. Read more about them here. Around the…


Earth Science

Deep in the Sea

February 11, 2022

The ocean is deep. It is made up of different zones, or areas. Here are three of them. SUNLIGHT ZONE This zone gets heat from the sun. It gets light, too. Most ocean plants and animals live here. TWILIGHT ZONE…


Earth Science

Up in the Trees

October 14, 2021

Many creatures make a home in the trees. Read about some of the animals that live up high. Swinging from Treetops Orangutans live in rainforests. They swing from tree to tree. They build nests in trees. Pecking Holes Woodpeckers live…



Types of Beaks

October 14, 2021

Every bird has a beak. It uses its beak to eat. Bird beaks come in different shapes. Read about them. Hooked beaks help birds tear food. This bird is a crested caracara. It uses its beak to catch fish.…


Earth Science

Animal World

September 10, 2021

The world is full of animals. They can be classified, or grouped. Read about four groups below. Salmon are fish. Fish live in water. Fins help them swim. Gills help them breathe. Most fish are covered in scales. Robins are…
