There are many ways to count time. Time can be counted in minutes and hours. It can be counted in days, months, and years. Read on to see how we measure the passing of time.
Rise and Shine!

There are 24 hours in a day. An hour is 60 minutes.
Counting the Days

There are seven days in a week. But there are only five days in the school week. Can you name them?
Month to Month

There are four weeks in every month. Each month of the year has 28 to 31 days. Which month is your birthday in?
Ringing In the New Year

There are 12 months in the year. January is the first. December is the last. New Year’s Eve is on December 31. It is the last day of the year.
Did You Know?

In most years, February has 28 days. But once every four years, February has 29 days. This is called a leap year.