Feeling the Heat

Summer is just around the corner! In the summer, days are longer. Temperatures temperature a measurement of how hot or cold something is (noun) The temperature today is 5º warmer than yesterday. are higher. Your body reacts to heat and sun. Read about the effects below.

When you get hot, you sweat. Sweat leaves your skin through your pores. It cools you down.

The sun’s rays cause your skin to darken. Too much sun is harmful. Cover up. This can protect you.

A sunburn can happen if you get too much sun. Your skin turns hot and red. Ouch! Sunscreen can prevent this.
Heat Exhaustion

Too much time in the heat can cause heat exhaustion exhaustion a loss of energy; tiredness (noun) After gym class, I had a feeling of exhaustion. . You might feel tired and weak. Find someplace cool. Drink plenty of water.
Did You Know?

Some animals sweat like people. Other animals, like dogs, pant. They stick their tongue out. It gets rid of hot air. And it brings in cool air.