Eat for the Earth
Some food choices are better for the planet than others. They use less energy and fewer resources resource MASSIMO COLOMBO—GETTY IMAGES a supply of something that can be used when needed (noun) I have the resources to grow a beautiful garden. . Here are some environmentally friendly food tips.
Shop Locally local INTI ST CLAIR/GETTY IMAGES relating to or happening in a particular area (adjective) Frieda won her local spelling bee.
THOMAS M. BARWICK INC./GETTY IMAGESShipping food a long way uses energy. Farmers’ markets sell food that was grown nearby.
Use Your Extras
RBKOMAR—GETTY IMAGESEat leftover food for lunch. Or use it in a new recipe. You will waste less food.
Eat More Plants
JAMIE GRILL—JGI/TETRA IMAGES RF/GETTY IMAGESIt takes lots of land and water to raise animals for food. Plants use less. Crunch!
Grow Your Food
FRANK VAN DELFT—GETTY IMAGES/CULTURA RFStart a garden. Plant vegetables. Watch them grow! It is fun to eat what you grow.
Did You Know?
ELENA GUROVA— ISTOCKPHOTO/GETTY IMAGESMore than a billion tons ton BURAZIN—GETTY IMAGES a unit for measuring weight that equals 2,000 pounds (noun) An elephant can weigh several tons. of food is wasted each year. That is a lot! Most food waste happens at home. Talk to your family about how to waste less.