Be Here Now
Mindfulness is taught in many schools. Kids learn deep breathing, movement, and how to relax. Mindfulness can help people in different ways. Read on to learn more.
Calm Down
VICKY KASALA—GETTY IMAGESMindfulness helps people relax. It calms the body. It also quiets the mind.
Be Happy
PEATHEGEE INC./GETTY IMAGESMindfulness helps people feel good. It reduces reduce STRUCTURESXX/GETTY IMAGES to make something smaller (verb) You can help reduce waste by recycling. anger and sadness. It is said to boost boost RADIST/GETTY IMAGES to increase the power or amount of something (verb) When Ken is feeling tired in the afternoon, he eats a snack to boost his energy. happiness.
Stay Focused
STEVE DEBENPORT—GETTY IMAGESMindfulness helps people pay attention. It can help kids do well in school.
Connect with Others
TIM PLATT—GETTY IMAGESMindfulness helps people get along. It increases feelings of empathy empathy LIGHTFIELDSTUDIOS/GETTY IMAGES the ability to understand another’s feelings (noun) Reading books helps you develop empathy. . Empathy is the ability to understand and share other people’s feelings.
Did You Know?
You can practice mindfulness.
Here is one way. Try it.
1) Sit down. Close your eyes.
2) Count to four as you breathe in.
3) Count to four as you breathe out.
4) Repeat three times.