Many animals are born in the spring. The weather is warmer. The days are longer. The plants that animals eat start to grow. Here are four kinds of baby animals you might see in spring.
A baby rabbit is called a kit or kitten.

A mother can give birth to 14 kittens at a time. The kittens sleep in nests in the ground.
A baby deer is called a fawn.

Fawns are born with a reddish coat. It has white spots. This helps them blend in. It keeps them safe.
A baby sheep is called a lamb.

Lambs are often born as twins twins two babies born at the same time to the same mother (noun) The twins had a birthday party. . They can walk right after being born.
Baby ducks are called ducklings.

They hatch hatch to be born by breaking out of an egg (verb) A bird's eggs hatch in the nest. from eggs. Ducklings are covered in down. This is a layer of soft feathers. Ducklings stay close to their mother. They follow her everywhere.
What Should You Do?

You might see a baby animal by itself. You should not touch it. Its mother is probably nearby. If the animal is injured, call an animal care center.