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We have a big announcement to make! The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is back. Do you have what it takes to write and report for TIME for Kids? Apply now for a chance to contribute to our magazines and website.…
Caves are full of interesting animals. These animals fly, swim, and slither. Here are four cave creatures. Learn how they have adapted to their dark habitat. Bats Bats make a high-pitched sound. It bounces off cave walls. Bats use…
Some animals adapt to work together. This is called mutualism. They help each other survive. Read about two examples. Clown Fish and Sea Anemones Sea anemones (above) have tentacles. They sting. But clown fish are not harmed. The fish bring…
A frog goes through four stages of life. These stages are its life cycle. It looks different at each stage. This change is called metamorphosis. Here is how a frog grows. Egg Female frogs lay hundreds of eggs. The…
Some insects go through complete metamorphosis. They change form. Here are three examples. Bees Many bees make cocoons (above). Young bees are called larvas. They are wormlike. They spin a cocoon, like in the photo above. They spend a week…
Baby animals look similar to their parents. But they are smaller. And they have different names. Do you know any of these names? Here are some examples. A baby rabbit is called a kit or kitten. A mother rabbit can…
Human babies are different from adults. They change a lot as they grow. 1. Adults have about 200 bones. Babies have more than 270 bones. Some join over time. 2. A baby’s eyes are a different color. They may start…
The world is full of animals. They can be classified, or grouped. Animals in a group share traits. Here are five animal groups. Pigeons are birds. Birds have feathers. Most have strong muscles so they can fly. A bird…
Most animals in groups have similar traits. Some animals differ from their groups. Read these three examples. Penguins Penguins (above) are birds. Most birds can fly. Penguins cannot. But they do have wings. Their wings help them swim. Platypuses …
Every year, TIME makes a list. It shows the world’s greatest places. TIME for Kids picks some favorites. Where would you go first? Sweet Tooth Manam Chocolate is a chocolate factory. It is in India. Chocolate is made from cacao…
In many places, a new year begins on January 1. Here is how four countries celebrate. Do you have any New Year’s traditions? In Spain, they eat grapes. At midnight, the clock chimes 12 times. The Spanish eat one…
The New Year holiday is celebrated at different times. Here are three that are not celebrated on January 1. Lunar New Year Many Asian countries celebrate this holiday (above). Its date is based on the moon’s phases. It falls…
People all over the world eat rice. Countries have their own rice dishes. Here are five dishes from different parts of the world. Which would you like to try? Risotto is from Italy. Broth is slowly added to rice as…