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The Human Body


A Bad Flu Season

January 19, 2018

Flu season in the United States runs from October through March. And this year’s flu is especially bad, 
according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “We are currently in the midst of a very active flu…


All One Blood

January 11, 2018

Nana Kwabena was in and out of the hospital as a kid. He was born with sickle cell disease. It is a blood disorder that can be passed from parents to their children. Kwabena’s brother, Kwame Baffoe-Bonnie, died of the…



The Benefits of Exercise

October 23, 2017

It comes as no surprise that exercise is good for your health. Experts have long cited studies that show positive changes happen to your body before, during, and after a workout. But recent research reveals more detail about the benefits…


The Best Medicine

April 21, 2017

Millions of Americans aren’t getting enough exercise. A new study hopes to scientifically prove the benefits of physical activity. Doctors have long known that diet and exercise are the best ways to stay healthy. But few people get enough exercise.…



Staying Healthy

January 3, 2017

You can protect yourself against cold, flu, and other illnesses caused by viruses. Use these five tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1. Wash your hands often using soap and water. 2. Avoid touching your eyes,…


Sound the Alarm

September 23, 2016

For years, parents have been telling kids to turn down the music. But now it’s more important than ever for young people to hear the message. Phones, iPads, and other devices deliver music that is crystal clear and louder than…



Creative Memory Trick

May 6, 2016

The brain is easily the most complicated organ in your body and the nimblest computer that has ever existed. But no matter how powerful its operating system, its storage system stinks. Memory is imperfect. It depends on how rested we…


Eyes on Vision

April 24, 2015

Two years ago, Azara Mason was having trouble seeing the board in class. An eye doctor told her she had myopia, or nearsightedness. People who are nearsighted have trouble seeing things that are far away. Azara, 9, now wears glasses…