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TFK Reads: To Night Owl From Dogfish


To Night Owl from Dogfish isn’t written by one best-selling author—it’s written by two. Holly Goldberg Sloan and Meg Wolitzer teamed up to tell the story of two girls who go to summer camp together.

To Night Owl From Dogfish is one of TFK’s 10 recommended reads for summer. After we made our picks, we handed them off to our team of TFK Kid Reporters to get their take. Here, TFK Kid Reporter Ruby West shares her review.

We’ll be posting reviews each week, all summer long. Check back next Tuesday to read about Jasmine Warga’s Other Words for Home.

Line Break

To Night Owl from Dogfish is a novel written entirely in emails and letters. The book follows two 12-year-old girls: Bett Devlin and Avery Bloom.

Bett lives in California. She’s an outgoing, thrill-seeking animal lover. Avery lives in New York City. She’s a stressed-out, scared-of-everything writer. The two are very different from each other, but they have one big thing in common. They’re both being raised by single dads.

Bett and Avery are shocked to find out their dads are dating. And they are less than thrilled to discover that they are being sent to summer camp together for eight weeks. Their dads hope the girls will become friends—and maybe sisters, one day.

In a crazy turn of events, Bett and Avery are both kicked out of camp. They end up spending the summer together on the adventure of their lives.

I rate To Night Owl from Dogfish 9 out of 10. It has a relatable plot, a unique format, and very colorful characters.

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