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Should Summer Reading Be Mandatory?


In 2021, we asked TIME for Kids readers if they thought summer reading should be mandatory. We heard from students who felt strongly about both sides of the issue. So we decided to pose the question again. And again, you made your voices heard! Here are some of the responses we received. What’s your take?


Krish Vijaykarthik, 9

Maple Grove, Minnesota

Summer reading should be made mandatory because your reading skills would improve. You would learn a lot of vocabulary words. You should give exercise to your brain so that it can stay active all through the year.

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Rose Torrey, 11

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Instead of mandatory summer reading, there should be optional summer reading with a wide variety of books on offer. If someone doesn’t like reading, doing an extra-credit assignment like that could help them find something they like, and it won’t feel forced and stressful.

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Karolina DeLuca, 11

Walpole, Massachusetts

Kids can explore new kinds of books during the summer. They may discover a book series or genre that they really like. Then, when they go back to school, they may want to choose one of those books for a project or report.

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Maddy MacDonald, 11

Ontario, Canada

Reading can be great for your mental health. It can help relieve any stress from school, work, or something that is really bothering you.

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Alison Lee, 10

Los Angeles, California

Students need to have the time to connect with friends and family during the summer. They should have the choice whether or not to read. We all know that kids don’t want to do things if they are told they have to do them.

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Jake Pyo, 9

Riverside, California

Some kids don't have a lot of time to read at school because of homework and other activities. Summer reading will give these students more time to read, and it will improve their minds.