Kid of the Week: Anyendall Chavarría

What does being an activist mean? Why did you become one?
It means pushing others to take action. I’m looking to help kids get motivated to take action for the environment. When I was 4, I found a plastic bottle at a river near my house. I knew it didn’t belong. That caused me pain.
How do you motivate kids to join you in your mission?
I explain to them that even though they’re small, they can make a difference. Caring for nature is not boring. It’s something fun.
How does pollution affect you?
The contamination in the rivers where I live is bad. Increases in water overflow have destroyed houses and other establishments.
How do you imagine Costa Rica will be in 10 years?
I imagine Costa Rica will be very clean. People will be educated to care for the environment. Parents will teach their children, and their children will teach their children, so we can have a cleaner planet.
Know a kid who’s doing something cool or newsworthy? Nominate them to be a TFK Kid of the Week! Send us your suggestions at