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United States


The Final Debate

October 23, 2020

On Thursday night, President Donald Trump and former vice president Joe Biden met for this election’s second and final presidential debate. The debate took place at Belmont University, in Nashville, Tennessee. The moderator was Kristen Welker of NBC News. For…



Early Voters

October 22, 2020

On Election Day, November 3, Americans will go to the polls to vote for president of the United States. But millions have already cast their ballot. As of October 19, a record 29 million Americans had voted early, at a…



Game Changers

October 21, 2020

Anti-racism protests spread across the country this year. These protests haven’t just happened in the streets. Calls for change have come from many industries, including entertainment, technology, and professional sports. Pro athletes have often spoken out against social injustice, even…



Joyous Win

October 15, 2020

On October 11, the Los Angeles Lakers celebrated their victory as the 2020 NBA champions. The team defeated the Miami Heat 106–93 in game 6 of the NBA Finals. This is the 17th championship win for the Lakers, tying them…



Election Time

October 9, 2020

President Donald Trump and former vice president Joe Biden faced off in a heated debate on September 29. They went head-to-head on issues such as the economy and the coronavirus pandemic. Each made a case for why voters should pick…



Trump COVID Update

October 9, 2020

President Donald Trump was released from the hospital on October 5. He’d been admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, in Bethesda, Maryland, on October 2. Earlier that day, Trump announced that he’d tested positive for COVID-19. At press…



The Vice-Presidential Debate

October 8, 2020

The first and only vice-presidential debate of the 2020 election took place on October 7. Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris squared off in Salt Lake City, Utah. Susan Page of USA Today was the moderator. For 90…



8 Questions for Molly Ball

October 8, 2020

Molly Ball is the national political correspondent at TIME, TFK’s parent publication. She’s covered many presidential elections. TFK’s Shay Maunz spoke with Ball about her job. How long have you been a journalist covering politics? I started covering politics in…



TFK Explains: Voting in 2020

October 8, 2020

When is Election Day? According to United States law, Election Day is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, in even-numbered years. In 2020, Election Day is November 3. Americans will vote for a number of things, including who…



This Week in TFK History: Elections

October 8, 2020

Time flies! The first issue of TIME for Kids was published in September 1995. That means TFK is turning 25. To honor our 25th anniversary, we’re pulling TFK stories from the archives and highlighting them in this space. Each archival…
