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Sweet Solutions

April 6, 2018

Last year, Americans spent more than $22 billion on chocolate. But the tasty treat comes at a far greater cost than this. That’s because farmers in Africa and South America often cut down trees in the rain forest when…



Hope for the Wild

April 6, 2018

One of the last unspoiled areas of Amazon rain forest lies in a remote region of northeastern Peru called Yaguas. The lush land stretches along 125 miles of the Putumayo River. Amazon rain forests are so massive that they…


The Problem With Plastics

April 6, 2018

One late-summer day, a team of cleanup volunteers was exploring the shore of the Anacostia River, in Washington, D.C. The water rippled under a hazy blue sky. Tall grass swayed on the mudflats. But something else caught the group’s eye.…



A Big Mess

April 5, 2018

Around 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic have piled up in a stretch of the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California. The area is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. According to a new study from the Ocean Cleanup foundation,…

Young Game Changers

Kid Heroes for the Planet

April 5, 2018

You don’t have to be a superhero to help the environment. Even small, simple actions can add up to big change. People around the world will celebrate Earth Day on April 22. But anyone—including kids—can work to help the Earth…


Goodbye to Glitter?

April 3, 2018

Want to help clean up the ocean? Then you might want to say goodbye to glitter. That’s what 19 preschools in the United Kingdom did last year. Now scientists are exploring the idea of a bigger ban to help reduce…


A New Home

March 16, 2018

The National Aquarium, in Baltimore, Maryland, is home to nearly 20,000 animals. Among them are seven bottlenose dolphins: Jade, Spirit, Maya, Bayley, Chesapeake, Beau, and Foster. Bayley, the youngest, is 9. Chesapeake, the oldest, is 26. She is Bayley’s mom.…



California Mudslides

January 19, 2018

Mudslides and flash floods destroyed parts of Montecito, California, last week. At press time, the natural disaster had caused at least 20 deaths. The mudslides were caused by a powerful storm. It sent mud and boulders down hills and into…

Food and Nutrition

Ugly but Tasty

April 15, 2016

In U.S. supermarkets, perfectly shaped fruits and vegetables line shelves. But not all the produce grown in the U.S. looks like what is being sold. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, more than a quarter of all fresh produce…


Shell Game

April 15, 2016

The ploughshare (plow -share) tortoise is one of the world's most endangered animals. Experts estimate that there are fewer than 300 adults in the wild. A small piece of land in northwest Madagascar is the species' only natural habitat. Because…