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The Kid Report: The Ripple Effect

March 30, 2022

Read "The Ripple Effect," in this week's issue of TIME for Kids. It's about Sagarika Sriram, who founded Kids for a Better World when she was just 10 years old. In this Kid Report, TFK Kid Reporter Ronak Bhatt writes…


Young Game Changers

8 Questions for Genesis Butler

March 30, 2022

Genesis Butler, 15, has been vegan since she was 6. Her goal is to protect animals and the environment. Now she inspires other kids to join this effort. TFK Kid Reporter Via Ryerson spoke to Genesis to learn more. 1.…


Earth Science


February 17, 2022

Smoke billows from Mount Etna, in Italy, on February 10. The eruption sparked a rare volcanic storm, sending lightning bolts across the sky. But it did not caus…



From Ranch to Lab

January 7, 2022

Brown cows roam the meadows of a farm in the Netherlands. They are Limousins, a breed known for the quality of its meat. Every few months, a veterinarian makes a tiny cut in a cow’s flank, removes a sample of…



The Storyteller

November 12, 2021

When Jane Goodall was 6, during World War II, she was often woken by sirens. The sound warned that enemy planes were flying over her English town. Her little sister would run to the bomb shelter. But Goodall refused to…



Repairing the Planet

October 22, 2021

On October 17, the winners of the first annual Earthshot Prize were announced in London, England. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is a founder of the award. His aim is to inspire new ideas and technologies for helping the environment…



Reef Relief?

September 24, 2021

Tony Fontes first went scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef in 1979. A native Californian, he was so amazed by the experience that he decided to stay in Australia and work as a dive instructor. “The marine life and…


Earth Science

Bad Bug Alert

September 23, 2021

The spotted lanternfly might look pretty with its red wings and black dots. But the insect is causing big problems in the United States, and experts are telling people to take action against the pest. “Kill it! Squash it, smash…



Saving Monarchs

September 17, 2021

In the 1980s, about 4.5 million monarchs spent winter on the coast of California and northern Mexico every year. “There would be these forests full of monarch butterflies looking like leaves on trees,” Elizabeth Crone told TIME for Kids. Crone…



Kids Care About: Sea Turtles

July 23, 2021

TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Hou cares about sea turtles. She talked to experts about why these animals are in danger and how people can help. Sea turtles live in coastal areas and open waters all over the world. Six species…
