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Content available on Your Hot Job


Water at Work

March 11, 2025

Water is one of our most important resources. Many people don’t think about where water comes from, how it gets to us, or where it goes after we use it. But water resource engineers do. It’s their job. They make…


Deep-Sea Danger

November 21, 2024

The ocean is full of amazing creatures. It’s also full of plastic. There are about 171 trillion pieces of plastic floating in the sea, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One in 2023. That’s bad news for…


Earth Science

Early Blossoms

April 5, 2024

Cities such as Tokyo, Japan, and Washington, D.C., get millions of tourists every spring during cherry blossom season. The blooms mark the return of warm weather. But the trees are blooming earlier and earlier. This is an indication of increasing…



Creative Crabs

April 4, 2024

Plastic is everywhere. According to the United Nations, enough plastic waste to fill 2,000 garbage trucks is dumped into waterways such as oceans, rivers, and lakes each day. There’s plastic litter at the bottom of the ocean and on top…



Color Our World

April 3, 2024

People everywhere celebrate Earth Day on April 22. It’s a day set aside for us all to do our part to help the planet. But you don’t have to wait for April 22 to show your appreciation for the environment.…

Content available on Your Hot Job


Outside Work

March 8, 2024

Mia Tramz had spent 11 years working at a desk in an office when, one day, she felt ready to try something totally new. Your Hot Job spoke with Tramz about her career change and her new life working at…

Earth Science

Sea Change

January 11, 2024

Enric Sala is standing under a replica of a right whale at the natural history museum in Washington, D.C. It’s the summer of 2023. Outside, the air is smudged with wildfire smoke drifting down from Canada. But Sala is talking…

Content featured on Service Stars

Service Stars

For the Animals

September 7, 2023

This is the first article in a new TFK series about kids changing the world. We’ll tell you all about it in a special issue in October—stay tuned! Nirvaan Agarwal found out early how powerful a kid’s voice can be.…



Making a Better World

June 26, 2023

Imagine venturing into the depths of the jungle to observe the chimpanzees who call it home. With a scrawl in your notepad and a click of your camera, you document groundbreaking information about the species. Sounds awesome, right? Jane Goodall…



Safe Haven

April 6, 2023

In the middle of the night, a baby chimpanzee is having nightmares. Chantal, his caretaker, tries to soothe him back to sleep. She works at the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center, in the Republic of the Congo, in Africa. The chimp’s…
