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Kids Write About the Pandemic

June 25, 2021

In the second part of our series of pandemic essays from kids, you’ll hear from Mira, in Kansas; Isaiah, in North Carolina; and Maria, in Texas. These three kids found themselves feeling difficult emotions, from sadness to anxiety. But they…



Kids Write About the Pandemic

June 17, 2021

What has the last year been like for you? We asked TIME for Kids readers and TFK Kid Reporters, past and present, to think about the pandemic. How has it changed our lives? Most of you wrote to us about…



Educators Who Inspire

May 2, 2021

Everyone knows teachers who go above and beyond to help their students learn and grow. This year, Teacher Appreciation Week starts May 3. To celebrate, we asked TFK Kid Reporters to tell us about a teacher who inspires them. Read…


Young Game Changers

Here to Help

April 14, 2021

Dear TFK, I’ve noticed that you focus a lot on young activists in your articles, and I love it! They are all so inspiring. When I feel inspired, I want to go out and do something, make a change in…


Young Game Changers

Be a TFK Kid Reporter

April 9, 2021

Do you dream of being a reporter? Enter the TFK Kid Reporter Contest for a chance to report for our magazines and website. TFK Editors will choose 10 talented students as TFK Kid Reporters for the 2021-2022 school year. To…


The View

From Our Readers...

April 9, 2021

You can write to us to share your thoughts and opinions on TIME for Kids articles. We recently received this letter from a reader in Connecticut. With regard to your article “Exploring Mars” (March 26), it was interesting and…


The View

From Our Readers...

March 4, 2021

We love hearing from our readers! Here's what a few of you have to say this week. I liked reading about Amanda Gorman (February 19). I think she and I could make the world a better place. Even though the…


The View

From Our Readers...

February 11, 2021

Mrs. Hall’s students at Durham Academy, in North Carolina, shared their feedback and ideas with us. Read what a few of them had to say. I loved the TFK article about rock, paper, scissors (January 15). I use rock, paper,…


Young Game Changers

Meet an Activist

February 10, 2021

Rebekah Bruesehoff, 14, enjoys playing field hockey, baking, and reading fantasy books. She's also an activist. Rebekah advocates for transgender rights. People who are transgender don't identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. "When I was born, everybody…


Earth Science

You Can Do It

January 13, 2021

Go to the window and look outside. Are there clouds in the sky? How many? Are they puffy or wispy? Are they blocking sunlight or letting it through? NASA scientists are interested in your answers. They’re using the power of…
