Science with Nate

Eight-year-old Nate Butkus remembers what sparked his curiosity about the universe. “I first got interested when I saw a picture of Uranus,” Nate told TIME for Kids, referring to the seventh planet from the sun. But it wasn’t just space that caught his interest. He started wondering about the environment and other scientific topics, too. His list of questions grew, and he wanted answers. So at 5 years old, he started a podcast called The Show About Science.
On his podcast, Nate interviews experts in different scientific fields. He asked Tanya Smith, associate professor at Griffith University’s Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution, to explain how the roots of baby teeth disintegrate. To Mikey Bustos, host of the YouTube channel AntsCanada, he posed this question: “When do ants start to hibernate?” Nate produces the podcast with his dad, Eric. Episodes are released twice a month on Pinna, a podcast network for kids.
What has been Nate’s favorite discovery so far on The Show About Science? “I loved learning about salps,” he says. “Salps are sea creatures, and they have an eye on their back.” Nate got this freaky fact from his interview with Larry Madin. He is a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts.
Nate is eager to learn even more from the experts. But there’s one expert in particular he’d like to interview: “My dream guest for the podcast is Bill Nye!”