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Should Students Wear Uniforms?

November 26, 2019

Some schools have a policy stating that students must wear uniforms to class. Normally associated with private schools, uniforms have become more common in public schools, too. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, uniforms are required at about…

Time Off

The Best Toys of 2019

November 22, 2019

The best toys of 2019 can hatch, tumble, light up, battle, and more. Some of the toys, such as Kano’s coding kits or Lego’s Hidden Side play sets, let users create or discover new worlds. Others, like Pictionary Air or…


Defying Gravity

November 7, 2019

In space, there is no up or down. Without the gravitational pull that we experience on Earth, astronauts and everything else aboard a spacecraft float freely. Earthlings can experience the sensation of zero gravity without blasting into space. How? A…



Ready to Learn

November 1, 2019

Last December, Estefanía Rebellón volunteered to help migrant families in Tijuana, Mexico. The city is near San Diego, California, along the U.S.-Mexico border. Some of the people Rebellón met in Tijuana had traveled thousands of miles. Many had left home…


Faces of Honduras

October 25, 2019

For the past year or so, the news has been filled with stories about migrants coming to the U.S. from Central America. I wanted to understand why people were leaving their home countries. So in August, I went to Honduras…

Media Literacy

What's the Password?

October 23, 2019

In an ancient folktale, a giant rock blocks the entrance to a cave filled with treasure. A door appears only for those who speak a secret phrase aloud: “Open, sesame!” This is an early example of a password. Passwords have…

Media Literacy

Be Internet Smart

August 29, 2019

Picture this: You’re searching the Internet and come across a website with interesting articles. Some are news stories. Their goal is to share information. Others only look like news stories. They’re actually advertisements, or ads. The goal of an ad…



Meet the STEM Queen

June 26, 2019

Jacqueline Means, 16, is known as the STEM Queen. She is the founder of the Wilmington Urban STEM Initiative, in Wilmington, Delaware. The organization promotes STEM to underprivileged girls in Wilmington. Means spoke with TFK Kid Reporter Tiana Sirmans, also…

United States

Telescope Dispute

June 24, 2019

A giant telescope will be built on Mauna Kea, a dormant Hawaiian volcano that some people consider sacred. Hawaii governor David Ige announced on June 20 that construction of the telescope had been approved. It’s called the Thirty Meter Telescope,…


A Historic Museum Expands

June 13, 2019

The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) is one of the most popular museums in the United States. Located in New York City, it was founded in 1869. Visitors from around the world go to see its vast collection of…

United States

Meet the 2019 National Teacher of the Year

June 10, 2019

Rodney Robinson will tell you his students are no different from any other students. (“They’re just goofy teenagers.”) He’ll tell you his classroom is no different from any other classroom. (It’s decorated with motivational quotes and colorful college banners.) But…


Stepping into History

April 26, 2019

On July 20, 1969, more than 500 million people around the world watched a special event on live TV. They saw grainy black-and-white images beamed back from space. Then they heard the voice of American astronaut Neil Armstrong as he…


Time Off

Hope and Humor

April 9, 2019

Trevor Noah is the host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central. He is also the author of a best-selling memoir about growing up in South Africa. It has been published in a young readers’ edition, It’s Trevor Noah: Born…

United States

Back to Class

January 25, 2019

Los Angeles teachers returned to classrooms on January 23 after a six-day strike. The strike ended when the Los Angeles Unified School District and the union that represents its 35,000 teachers came to an agreement. The district said it will…


Water Run

December 4, 2018

Addyson Moffitt is an 8-year-old from Kansas City, Missouri. Maurine Chelagat is a 9-year-old from a village in Kenya called Bartabwa. It might not seem as if the girls have much in common, but when they met at a dinner…


Robots at Work

November 30, 2018

When he was a kid, Alex Vardakostas helped out in his parents’ restaurant. “As soon as standing on top of a milk crate made me tall enough to reach the counter, I was making sodas for customers,” he told TIME…



An Oasis on Wheels

November 30, 2018

In 2011, Josh Trautwein was working as a nutrition educator in Boston, Massachusetts. He wanted to teach kids how to live healthy lives. Then he learned that the neighborhood’s only grocery store was closing for a year of renovations. …

United States

Decision Time

October 26, 2018

On November 6, Americans will vote in midterm elections. Midterms are held halfway through a president’s four-year term in order to elect members of Congress. This year, there are also thousands of state and local elections. Thirty-six states will pick…



A Promising Start

October 12, 2018

Teachers at a new public school in Akron, Ohio, welcomed students on opening day with applause, high fives, and big smiles. But perhaps no one had a bigger grin than basketball great and hometown hero LeBron James. “This is a…


Safe in School

September 27, 2018

COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh — Just as the last little kid walks single-file out the door, about 30 very eager 7- to 10-year-olds burst in to take their place. Quickly, they claim spots around the perimeter of the lively one-room Golap…
