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Changing Tunes

March 8, 2019

Blue whales love to sing. Males sing to attract mates and to communicate across long distances. People are capable of hearing only certain parts of a whale song, so scientists use special audio equipment to record and study the songs…


8 Questions for Elisabeth Anisimow

March 7, 2019

Twelve-year-old Elisabeth Anisimow started painting as a toddler. Now her work has been seen around the world, including at the International Museum of Children’s Art, in Norway. The California-based artist spoke with TFK’s Kio Herrera about her process and her…


Ingeniería de nuestro mundo

February 22, 2019

“Nos llaman ingenieros civiles porque diseñamos la civilización”. Estas son las palabras de Yung Koprowski, uno de los muchos ingenieros civiles que diseñan, construyen y mantienen las infraestructuras de nuestros pueblos y ciudades. Los ingenieros civiles se especializan en cosas…



Share the Screen

February 21, 2019

Anya Kamenetz is the author of The Art of Screen Time: How Your Family Can Balance Digital Media and Real Life. She argues that a healthy life includes limited screen time enjoyed in the company of family and friends. Have…


Ready for Class!

February 21, 2019

When Makayla Nunn was 8, she was diagnosed with a rare illness called chronic fatigue syndrome. People with this condition are regularly overcome by extreme tiredness. The feeling doesn’t go away when they sleep or rest. Makayla lives in the…

Time Off

All About Bots

February 20, 2019

When you think of robots, you may think of a machine with a human shape. But robotics takes many forms. Did you know the temperature inside your refrigerator is regulated by robotics? When you ride in an airplane, the pilot…


Maker Moment

February 15, 2019

Last year, Izzy Goldstein, 12, learned in science class that we can reduce air pollution by using natural energy sources, such as wind and solar power, instead of gasoline. This made her wonder what she and her schoolmates could do…



Measles Alert

February 15, 2019

People in Washington and Oregon are rushing to get a vaccine that can protect them from the measles virus. About 4,500 people in Clark County, Washington, were vaccinated between January 13 and February 2. Why the concern? Washington and Oregon…

United States

Scout Me In!

February 14, 2019

The Boy Scouts have been teaching leadership skills to kids for more than a hundred years. Now, the Boy Scouts are opening up to girls. On February 1, the first group of girls, ages 11 to 17, joined a new…


On Point

February 14, 2019

Jenelle Henry started ballet classes when she was 3. When she was around 10, her teachers said she could begin to train en pointe. This meant she would learn to dance on the tips of her toes. Jenelle bought…


United States

Border Fight

January 25, 2019

In early January, President Donald Trump traveled to McAllen, Texas. He was there to make his case for building a wall along the southern U.S. border. “What [we] need more than anything is the barrier, the wall,” Trump said. “Whether…


Time Off

Into the Wild

January 24, 2019

Some 30 years ago, IAN MCALLISTER (pictured) set out to explore the Great Bear Rainforest, in western Canada. McAllister expected his trip to last a week, but he fell in love with the beautiful habitat, and with the animals and…


The Peanut Solution

January 18, 2019

Brett Treichel’s mother gave him a piece of peanut butter toast when he was 9 months old. He touched the peanut butter and rubbed his eye, which instantly swelled up. Brett was rushed to the hospital, where he was diagnosed…



Should Kids Have to Go to School Online on a Snow Day?

January 17, 2019

For many kids, a snow day is cause for celebration. Instead of going to class, they can have snowball fights or go sledding. But snow days are a thing of the past in one South Carolina school district. Anderson School…

United States

National Treasure

January 11, 2019

For Kari Cobb, hiking in the Grand Canyon is a journey through history. At the bottom, the Colorado River flows as it has for some 6 million years. Gazing up at the cliff face, Cobb can almost feel the presence…



Language Learning

January 10, 2019

Learning a new language can be tricky at any age. But in a recent study, scientists have pinpointed the exact age at which your chances of reaching fluency in a new language seem to quickly drop off: 10. Does this…

Time Off

Watch and Learn

January 10, 2019

Ten-year-old CRYSTAL ANNE MARTIN (pictured) has tasted camel’s milk, made pottery, spoken to a 101-year-old woman, met a ventriloquist, and more. She’s done these things on the YouTube channel HiHo Kids, where viewers can watch as real kids try new…