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Get Smart

April 18, 2019

If you walked by James Fasulo’s bedroom, in Queens, New York, you might hear the 8-year-old talking. You might think he was chatting with a friend, or with his 4-year-old sister, Anna. More likely, James would be talking to his…


Wildlife Lessons

April 12, 2019

The elephants stood face-to-face in a cloud of dust. Their big ears fanned out and their tusks almost locked. A group of schoolkids gazed in awe from a truck parked on the roadside. They had come from a village…



Turning the Tide

April 11, 2019

The Tappan Zee Bridge, north of New York City, carried automobiles across the Hudson River for 62 years. But in 2017, a new bridge replaced it. The next year, the old bridge was demolished. Workers picked apart the structure piece…


Waste Not

April 10, 2019

Each weekday, more than 30 million students eat meals served in school cafeterias in the United States. And when lunch period is over, they fill the trash cans with uneaten food. Half-eaten apples, chicken tenders, and turkey sandwiches come…



Charging Ahead

April 10, 2019

Do you ride a school bus? If not, 
you might know someone who does. In the United States, more than 
25 million students take one every day, according to the American School Bus Council. That’s more than 480,000 buses on…



Life on the Line

April 9, 2019

In 1953, a three-year war on the Korean Peninsula, in East Asia, ended with a cease-fire agreement. The agreement established an area that divided the two countries on the peninsula: North Korea and South Korea. That area is called the…



Diving In

April 9, 2019

Growing up near a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Daniel Botelho felt pulled by the sea. As a boy, he loved underwater diving. He also loved taking pictures of turtles. Twelve years ago, Botelho combined these two passions as…


Proud to Be Purple

March 22, 2019

Last summer, 16-year-old Alaysia Thomas went to sleepaway camp for the first time. She enjoyed canoeing, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities. But her favorite part was “just coming back to the little cabin and talking to all the girls,”…



Top of the World

March 21, 2019

Machu Picchu, an ancient city built by the Incas in the mountains of Peru, is known for its steep steps and rugged terrain. The ruins stand nearly 8,000 feet above sea level. Getting there can be extremely challenging. Alvaro…


Plight of the Pangolin

March 15, 2019

On February 7, authorities in Malaysia made the biggest pangolin trafficking bust their country has ever seen. Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are native to Asia and Africa. Trafficking is the business of buying and selling. Police raided a…



Is Technology Making Us Rude?

March 14, 2019

Have you ever been so focused on texting with a friend that you ignored the one sitting right next to you? Technology can be a useful tool, but some people think it’s changing the way we behave, both online and…


Thrill of the Hunt

March 14, 2019

Lauren McGough has always been interested in birds. As a child growing up in Oklahoma, she spent much of her time bird-watching and reading books about people who hunted with birds during the Middle Ages. “A lot of falconers…

Time Off

A New Nancy

March 14, 2019

Nancy Drew is back! The fictional teen detective began following leads, uncovering evidence, and chasing down suspects in 1930. Now the classic book series has been remade with a modern twist. In the new movie Nancy Drew and the Hidden…



Un Deporte Más Seguro

March 8, 2019

Danny Lee planeaba unirse al equipo de fútbol americano en quinto grado. Su papá tenía otra idea. “Él dijo que, si me lesionaba ahora, podría terminar mi carrera de fútbol americano para siempre”, dijo Danny a TIME for Kids. En…
