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Turning Green

November 9, 2018

The Taj Mahal, in Agra, India, is one of the most brilliant structures on Earth. Depending on the season and the time of day, the white marble monument takes on slightly different hues. But over the years, the Taj Mahal…



Climate Crisis

October 12, 2018

The worst effects of climate change could happen sooner than expected. That’s the warning of a report released October 8 by the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change. The panel included 91 scientists from 40 countries. They analyzed thousands…


Rising Waters

September 21, 2018

When Hurricane Florence barreled in from the Atlantic Ocean and landed in North Carolina on the morning of September 14, it wasn’t 90-mile-an-hour winds that officials feared most. It was water. The 400-mile-wide storm brought heavy rain and a 10-foot…


TFK Library

What Are Magnets?

August 21, 2018

What do compasses, fans, and high-speed trains have in common? They all use magnets to function. Magnets are rocks or metals that create a powerful, invisible field. This field attracts other magnets and certain metals. The presence of a magnetic…

TFK Library

What Are Storms?

August 16, 2018

A storm is a powerful disturbance of the atmosphere. Thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes are storms. Storms are a common event on Earth and other planets, too. There are about 16 million thunderstorms worldwide each year. That is according to the…



Celestial Sight

July 30, 2018

People around the world witnessed a total lunar eclipse on Friday, July 28. Known as a blood moon for its deep-red color, the eclipse was visible in Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America at different times throughout the…

Time Off

TFK Kid Reporter Summer Book Reviews

June 8, 2018

Time for Kids Kid Reporters Marley Alburez and Aanand Mehta review two of summer's most buzz-worthy books. Book Title: Annie’s Life in Lists Author: Kristin Mahoney Reviewed by TFK Kid Reporter Marley Alburez Genre: Fiction Number of…


Science Fair Fun

April 12, 2018

I know what it feels like to be transported into a completely new world—a world of innovation, science, and discovery. That’s because I attended the USA Science & Engineering Festival, held April 7 and 8, in Washington, D.C. (The day…


Countdown to Day Zero

February 26, 2018

Late into the night, people in Cape Town, South Africa, line up to collect water from a spring. They approach the spigot one by one, filling plastic bottles. On this day, each person can take up to 13 gallons. Security…




December 11, 2017

Life can be very unpredictable for astronauts living and working on the International Space Station (ISS). There is no gravity. Parts of the station might stop working at any time. Space objects come flying at the station out of nowhere. …



Cosmic Critters

December 11, 2017

Animals have long been on the front lines of scientific discovery. Time and again, they have been given the lead in exploring new frontiers. But those pioneers didn’t volunteer for their missions. Take the thousands of monkeys and mice that…



Bright Lights, Big Ideas

April 28, 2017

Researchers are looking to nature for innovative ideas. Imagine a world where everyday objects produce their own light. Glowing trees illuminate city streets. Crops gleam to signal that they need water or they are ready to be picked. Street signs…



A Day on Mars

October 2, 2016

TIME’s space writer spent 24 hours inside a NASA base in Hawaii that copies conditions on the Red Planet. I encountered a lava tube at the end of a 10-minute walk from my Martian habitat. I had reached the top…



Getting Close to the Sun

December 9, 2017

No spacecraft will ever land on the sun. The sun is a flaming ball of gas that reaches thousands of degrees Fahrenheit. But next year, a ship from Earth will fly closer to it than any man-made craft has flown…




September 16, 2021

The Inspiration4 mission has officially begun. On Thursday, September 15, at just after 8:00 p.m. ET, four civilian astronauts blasted off from Kennedy Space Center, in Florida. This is the first time an all-civilian crew has gone into orbit. The…



Asteroid Blast

May 19, 2020

NASA is planning to launch the DART mission in 2021. DART stands for Double Asteroid Redirection Test. The goal of the mission is to see if NASA can change the course of objects in space, such as asteroids, that might…



Historic Landing

September 8, 2023

On August 23, the Indian Space Research Organization landed a rover on the moon. India is the fourth country to achieve this feat. It’s the first to land near the moon’s south pole. The rover, named Pragyan, has searched the…


TFK Press Club

What Do You See in Space?

January 19, 2023

A comet is passing Earth for the first time since the days of the Neanderthals. It’s called Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), and is visible with a telescope, binoculars, or even the naked eye, if it remains bright enough. NASA says…


Time Off

A Rover's Journey

January 5, 2023

Good Night Oppy is a feel-good film. It follows NASA’s Opportunity rover as the device explores Mars. The rover launched in 2003. Its mission was to look for clues that there was once water on the Red Planet. That would…



Back to Earth

December 15, 2022

NASA’s uncrewed Orion spaceship splashes down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Mexico, on December 11. It was launched on November 16, as part of the Artem…
