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Hawaii Wins Little League

September 1, 2022

On August 28, Hawaii won the 2022 Little League Baseball World Series, beating Curaçao 13–3 in four innings. It’s the fourth time since 2005 that Hawaii has won the championship. “We’re fortunate that everything clicked at the right moment,” team…



World's Greatest Places

September 1, 2022

Want to see the world? Each year, TIME magazine makes a list of the World’s Greatest Places. Join TIME for Kids on a tour of our favorites. We’ll take you from city to wilderness, and from tiny villages to faraway…



Shark Sighting

August 26, 2022

A shark was spotted off the shore of LeCount Hollow beach, in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, on August 8. The sighting was reported to the Sharktivity app. That’s a public-safety tool created by the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC). John Chisholm is…


TFK Press Club

What's Your Review?

July 8, 2022

You’ve got opinions, Junior Journalist, and the world wants to hear them. Step into the shoes of an entertainment reviewer. Mission 14: What's Your Review? With so many books to read, TV shows and movies to watch, video games to…


TFK Press Club

What's Your Summer Song?

June 10, 2022

Junior Journalist, get out your headphones! This TFK Press Club mission is all about music. Mission 12: What's Your Summer Song? Each year, music journalists try to predict what the song of the summer will be. This is the catchy…


TFK Press Club

What Do You Notice?

May 13, 2022

A big part of being a journalist is being observant. What’s going on in the world around you, Junior Journalist? Mission 11: What Do You Notice? Have you ever said “Whoa!” as you watched a hawk soar through the sky…


United States

Difundir alegría

April 22, 2022

“Cree en ti mismo”. “Está bien ser diferente”. “Si te sientes eufórico y desequilibrado, piensa en marmotas”. Estos son algunos de los mensajes de aliento y palabras sabias que las personas que llaman oyen cuando marcan la Línea directa PepToc.…


TFK Press Club

Share Your Stories

April 22, 2022

Ever since we started TFK Press Club, earlier this year, we’ve received fantastic submissions from you, our Junior Journalists. This summer, we’ll be publishing some of them in a special issue of TIME for Kids. It’s not too late to…



Libros y más allá

April 15, 2022

El 14 de marzo de 2020, la pandemia de COVID-19 forzó a la librería 57th Street Books, en Chicago, Illinois, a cerrar sus puertas. La tienda no abriría por casi un año y medio. Durante este tiempo, el director Jeff…



Should Schools Have Mental Health Days?

April 15, 2022

In December, United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy put out an urgent health advisory. He warned that children’s mental health was in crisis. He asked for help from many different sources, including schools. Schools help protect kids’ mental health in…



The Ripple Effect

March 30, 2022

Sagarika Sriram was just 10 years old when she started reading newspaper stories about a planet in trouble. One story was about a whale that washed ashore after an oil spill. Another was about turtles found with plastic in their…


Time Off

Six Flavors in One Book

March 16, 2022

The Ice Cream Machine is no ordinary tale. It’s six stories rolled into one flavorful book. All them have the same title, but each has a different plot revolving around ice cream. One ice-cream story focuses on a boy and…



What is the Metaverse?

March 11, 2022

When Cathy Hackl’s son wanted a party for his ninth birthday, he didn’t ask for party favors or decorations. He asked if he could hold the celebration on Roblox, a digital platform where users can play and create games. He…


TFK Press Club

What's Your Dream Job?

March 11, 2022

In this mission, you’ll tell us what job you might like to have in the future. Don’t worry, we won’t be upset if you don’t pick “journalist” (though we suspect some of you will!). Mission 7: What's Your Dream Job?…


TFK Press Club

Can You Picture It?

March 3, 2022

Junior Journalist, get out your camera. For this TFK Press Club mission, you’ll be telling a story using pictures. Mission 6: Can You Picture It? When you think of a journalist, do you see a reporter with a pen and…

IN THE ZONE Video games are a popular form of entertainment. But some people think kids spend too much time staring at screens.


Should Governments Regulate Screen Time?

March 3, 2022

In fall 2021, the United States Senate held a hearing about Facebook. Senators discussed whether the platform is harmful for younger users. Senator Dan Sullivan, of Alaska, suggested that national screen-time limits could protect kids. He referenced something that took…



Crisis in Ukraine

February 25, 2022

An updated version of this story is available in the March 11, 2022, issue of TIME for Kids. On February 24, Russian forces launched an attack on Ukraine. The move comes after weeks of Russian troop buildup along Ukraine’s borders.…


United States

Gray Wolves Re-Listed

February 17, 2022

Gray wolves are going back on the endangered-species list. On February 10, a federal judge ruled that the animals still need protection. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) removed the gray wolf from its endangered-species list in early…
