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United States

Advancing Equality

March 12, 2021

March 8 was International Women’s Day. President Joe Biden marked the occasion by signing an executive order that promotes gender equity and equal rights for women and girls. The order establishes the White House Gender Policy Council. Its job is…


Media Literacy

Closer to the Truth

February 17, 2021

Many of the Southeast Iowa Union’s older readers live in rural areas and don’t get their news online. So when they need to know how the coronavirus is affecting their community, they rely on the newspaper. “People appreciated the reporting…



Should Cursive Be Taught In Schools?

January 21, 2021

Even in the age of computer keyboards, the ability to write neatly on paper is an important skill. Children are taught to print their letters, or write each one separately. That writing looks like what you’re reading right now. But…



Best Inventions of 2020

December 28, 2020

Each year, TIME for Kids picks the coolest and most helpful new inventions. Kid of the Year Gitanjali Rao, 15, is an inventor. This year, we let her take the lead. Gitanjali selected these items from TIME’s list of the…


United States

A Seat at the Table

December 11, 2020

A new statue was unveiled this year in Central Park, in New York City, to mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1920, that amendment gave women the right to vote. The monument…


Media Literacy

TFK Turns 25

December 9, 2020

This year, TIME for Kids celebrates its 25th birthday. A lot has happened in the last quarter century. Presidents have been elected. Milestones have been reached. Tragedies have struck. People have come together to solve problems. The whole time, TFK…


Election 2020

A Winning Team

November 13, 2020

On November 7, President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris celebrated their win, in Wilmington, Delaware. They will be sworn in on January 20, 2021. They will take office at an important moment in United States history. Biden and…


United States

Game Changers

October 21, 2020

Anti-racism protests spread across the country this year. These protests haven’t just happened in the streets. Calls for change have come from many industries, including entertainment, technology, and professional sports. Pro athletes have often spoken out against social injustice, even…


Election 2020

An Unruly Debate

September 30, 2020

The first debate of the 2020 presidential election took place on September 29. President Donald Trump and former vice president Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, faced off in Cleveland, Ohio. The debate was held at Case Western Reserve University and…



TFK Kid Reporters: Meet Jeremy

September 29, 2020

Meet Jeremy Liew, one of the 10 outstanding kids selected to be a TFK Kid Reporter this school year. Jeremy is 12 years old and lives in Riverside, Connecticut. He enjoys making movies and performing magic tricks. Finalists in the…


United States

Honoring Ruth

September 25, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday, September 18, in Washington, D.C. She was 87. Ginsburg had served as a United States Supreme Court justice since 1993. As the second woman to sit on the nation’s top court, she fought fiercely…



TFK Kid Reporters: Meet Donnell

September 21, 2020

Meet Donnell Meekins, one of the 10 outstanding kids selected to be a TFK Kid Reporter this school year. Donnell is 10 years old and lives in Carson, California. Donnell likes board games and playing the drums. As a TFK…



Art for Everyone

September 17, 2020

When we want to see art, where do we go? The pandemic has made it hard to visit museums and galleries. But sometimes, we can find art outside in the neighborhood. Murals are large artworks. They are painted on walls.…



School Interrupted

August 28, 2020

Esteban Tarango, 12, was excited to make new friends when he started middle school this year, in Tempe, Arizona. Instead, his school year kicked off in front of a computer screen. “I’m honestly kind of sad,” Esteban told TIME for…


Election 2020

Unconventional Conventions

August 21, 2020

It’s convention time! The Democratic National Convention kicks off today, August 17, and runs through Thursday, August 20. The Republican National Convention begins next week. It runs from August 24 to 27. Here are three things you need to know…



This Is Michelle: Read the Story of Michelle Obama

August 17, 2020

Michelle Robinson was born in 1964. She grew up on the South Side of Chicago in a tiny apartment. Her family was very close and ate dinner together as often as possible. Michelle and her brother were allowed to watch…



This is Grace: Read the Story of Grace Hopper

August 17, 2020

Grace Murray was born in New York City in 1906. In an era when girls were expected to play house, Grace loved climbing trees, hiking, sailing, and reading. She also played basketball, hockey, and water polo—none of which was a…



This is Patsy: Read the Story of Patsy Takemoto Mink

August 17, 2020

Patsy Takemoto Mink was born on the island of Maui, in Hawaii, in 1927. Her family lived on a sugar plantation, where her father worked as a civil engineer and surveyor. Patsy inherited his curiosity. And she couldn’t help but…



This is Chloe: Read the Story of Chloe Kim

August 16, 2020

Chloe Kim was born in Long Beach, California, in 2000. Her parents had moved to the U.S. from South Korea, with big dreams of a new life. When Chloe was 4, her father took her snowboarding in California’s San Gabriel…



Honoring an Artist

August 12, 2020

Ruth Asawa was an American artist. She became famous for her abstract sculptures. She usually made them from wire. Their forms were inspired by nature. Asawa’s life and work are now being honored on a postage stamp. On August 13,…
