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Ancient History

October 20, 2022

On November 4, 1922, an incredible discovery was made in Egypt. British archaeologist Howard Carter and his Egyptian crew found steps leading to the entrance of King Tutankhamen’s tomb. “At first, I could see nothing,” Carter later wrote about peering…



The Survivor

October 20, 2022

Last year, NASA sent a supply craft to the International Space Station (ISS). Its cargo included thousands of tardigrades. These creatures, each small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil, can be found just about anywhere­: in oceans,…



The Kid Report: The Survivor

October 20, 2022

Tardigardes are tough enough to withstand about a thousand times the radiation that would kill a human. Unlocking their survival secrets is key if we hope to send people to Mars someday. You can read about tardigrades in “The Survivor,”…


United States

8 Questions for Elizabeth Clay Roy

October 19, 2022

Elizabeth Clay Roy is the CEO of Generation Citizen, a nonprofit group that tries to get students involved in the democratic process. She spoke with TFK Kid Reporter Mina Fedor. 1. What’s the mission of Generation Citizen? Generation Citizen is…



Peace Prize Winners

October 14, 2022

The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to a person and two groups whose work supports human rights. Ales Bialiatski is a founder of a pro-democracy movement in Belarus. Memorial is a Russian group. And the Center for Civil…



A Lake on Mars?

October 13, 2022

An international group of scientists says there might be a lake beneath the ice at Mars’s south pole. If there is liquid water, that could mean that the frigid planet is still producing heat. Which might mean life. The…


TFK Press Club

Can You Set the Scene?

October 13, 2022

Imagine you’re reading two articles about a Halloween parade. One includes only numerical information: the temperature outside, the number of people in attendance, a ranking of the costumes. The other includes facts, but it also describes the sights and sounds…


United States

Liberty Rising

October 13, 2022

A full moon appears behind the Statue of Liberty, in New York City, on October 9. Two days later, the statue’s crown reopened. It had been closed since March 20…



Bats In Danger

October 13, 2022

On September 13, the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced a proposal. It would protect tricolored bats. The animal would now be listed under the Endangered Species Act. This follows a similar proposal, made in March, to reclassify…

Content available on Your Hot Job


Insects Up Close

October 13, 2022

If you enjoy learning about interesting jobs, find this article and more like it on Your Hot Job, TFK's new career-focused website for kids. What does your future hold? Where does inspiration come from? Levon Biss found it while looking…

Time Off

The Kids are Back

October 13, 2022

Fans of The Mysterious Benedict Society will be happy to know that Season 2 is coming to Disney+ on October 26. The series is based on the books by Trenton Lee Stewart. The society is composed of four exceptionally…


United States

After the Hurricane

October 7, 2022

Rescue missions continue in Florida after one of the strongest storms ever to hit the United States. Hurricane Ian slammed into Florida on September 28 as a Category 4 storm. For days afterward, water levels kept rising, as flooding prevented…



New Rules for Food Labels

October 6, 2022

The United States Food & Drug Administration wants to update the rules that allow food manufacturers to use the word healthy on their packages. If new rules are approved, certain foods will be able to carry the “healthy” label.…


TFK Press Club

Can You Hook Readers?

October 6, 2022

Nothing draws a reader into a story like a great lede. A lede is an article’s first sentence or paragraph. It introduces a story, provides key information, and makes a reader want to know more. Sometimes, a lede contains an…



We Got This!

October 6, 2022

A team in Tarragona, Spain, prepares to form a human tower. The towers are called castells. Forming them is a centuries-old tradition in Spain. This group ga…

Cover Story


Miracle Trees

October 5, 2022

Tariq Qaiser is trying to protect mangroves. The trees could save Pakistan’s largest city from climate disaster. Tariq Qaiser is steering a small boat through a swamp near Karachi, Pakistan. He comes to Bundal Island several times a week to document…


United States

The Kid Report: Bringing Books

October 5, 2022

Some charitable groups take donations of more than just money. They may need resources directly from the community. Book drives are a way for people to come together to collect books for those in need. You can read about Emily…
