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Meet Our Kid Reporters

September 13, 2017

This year’s TFK Kid Reporters were chosen from 300 applicants in a nationwide competition. The crew will report on local and national news for TFK. Here are some fun facts about our newest reporters. Want to be a TFK Kid…



For the Love of Reading

August 21, 2017

Andrew Clements achieved success as an author in 1996, when his first children’s novel, Frindle, was published. Since then, the book has sold more than 6 million copies and won more than 20 awards. Clements has written dozens of additional…


How To Watch the Solar Eclipse

August 17, 2017

A total solar eclipse will cross the United States on August 21, 2017. In a total solar eclipse, the moon moves directly between the Earth and the sun. The moon completely blocks the sun and casts a shadow on Earth.…



Pass on the Salt

January 27, 2017

American kids consume too much salt. That puts them at risk for heart problems later in life. Hamburgers, French fries, potato chips, popcorn, and pizza. There is no denying these foods are tasty. But often, it’s the added salt that…



Coolest Inventions of 2016

January 13, 2017

Take a look at some of the year’s top innovations. What will the future look like? You can get a peek by looking at the latest inventions. These items were created to solve problems, make life easier, or just for…



Should Stores Separate Toys by Gender?

November 4, 2016

Target made headlines last year when it announced that its stores would no longer post signs to direct customers to buy certain toys for girls and others for boys. Much of the push to separate toys by gender has come from toymakers, advertisers, and…

United States

Picking a President

September 16, 2016

On November 8, Americans will elect the next president of the United States. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the main candidates for the job. In 2008, Barack Obama was elected president. He took office in January 2009 and is…



A Book About Bullies

October 1, 2010

The Humanity Project runs anti-bullying programs in schools in Florida. The group’s founder, Bob Knotts, asked students to write a book about bullying. As a kid, Bob Knotts got picked on. “It really affected me, as a child and…


Ready, Set, Play!

May 31, 2024

June 11 will mark the first-ever International Day of Play. On March 26, the United Nations adopted a resolution to create a day on which to honor play worldwide. Play is more than just a pastime for kids. It’s a…



Green Teen

April 19, 2024

Recycling is good for the environment. It can also benefit a community in surprising ways. Mateo Lange, 15, knows this well. On weekends, you’ll find him sorting through glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans in his hometown of Indian…



Inspired by Stars

April 18, 2024

This year, we shared the stories of amazing kids who are making positive change in their communities. These Kids of the Month inspired our readers to take action too—and to tell us about it! Thank you for sharing your service…



Big Break

April 11, 2024

Breaking will make its debut as an Olympic sport in August. The competition will take place at the largest public square in Paris, France. It’s completely sold out. But when breaker Sunny Choi tells strangers she’ll be competing at the…



Should Adventure Tourism Be Allowed?

April 10, 2024

Traveling by submarine to view an underwater shipwreck. Trekking to the top of a distant mountain. Buckling in on a space ship. Extreme adventure tourists are always seeking the next thrill. According to Grand View Research, they were expected to…



Creative Crabs

April 4, 2024

Plastic is everywhere. According to the United Nations, enough plastic waste to fill 2,000 garbage trucks is dumped into waterways such as oceans, rivers, and lakes each day. There’s plastic litter at the bottom of the ocean and on top…



Ready for Love

April 3, 2024

Charlotte Liebling considers herself a “world watcher”—someone who carefully observes the world around her. Here’s an example: When she was in college, Liebling volunteered at a store that sold secondhand goods. She observed people bringing in items to donate, including…



Color Our World

April 3, 2024

People everywhere celebrate Earth Day on April 22. It’s a day set aside for us all to do our part to help the planet. But you don’t have to wait for April 22 to show your appreciation for the environment.…



Sibling Story

March 14, 2024

Haili Smith, 16, says she and her sibling, Brooke, “have very different tastes in books.” Haili likes spine-tinglers. Brooke, 13, prefers fantasy. What they share is the belief that kids are more motivated to read if they relate to a…
