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Amazing Places

July 11, 2019

Vatnajökull National Park, in Iceland. Ancient Babylonian ruins, in Iraq. The buildings of architect Frank Lloyd Wright in the United States. These and 26 other additions were made to the UNESCO World Heritage List last weekend during the group’s annual…


What's a Ticker-Tape Parade?

July 10, 2019

The World Cup–winning United States Women’s National Soccer Team was honored in a ticker-tape parade today in New York City. The athletes rode up a stretch of Broadway called the Canyon of Heroes to City Hall. There, the mayor presented…


Skyscraper Games

June 20, 2019

On June 10, at 8 p.m., more than a hundred people were gathered in a tent in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were there to play video games. But they wouldn’t be playing on any ordinary gaming system. Instead, they were gearing…



The Price of Pollution

June 4, 2019

A federal court in Miami, Florida, has ordered Carnival Corporation to pay a $20 million penalty. Years ago, the cruise ship company was ordered to stop polluting the ocean. The court says the company has continued to do so. In…


Ready for Class!

February 21, 2019

When Makayla Nunn was 8, she was diagnosed with a rare illness called chronic fatigue syndrome. People with this condition are regularly overcome by extreme tiredness. The feeling doesn’t go away when they sleep or rest. Makayla lives in the…

Time Off

Watch and Learn

January 10, 2019

Ten-year-old CRYSTAL ANNE MARTIN (pictured) has tasted camel’s milk, made pottery, spoken to a 101-year-old woman, met a ventriloquist, and more. She’s done these things on the YouTube channel HiHo Kids, where viewers can watch as real kids try new…


Trabajo de robots

November 30, 2018

Cuando era niño, Alex Vardakostas ayudaba en el restaurante de sus padres. “Desde que pude parame sobre una caja de leche para ser lo suficientemente alto, estaba haciendo refrescos para los clientes”, dijo a TIME for Kids. Pronto, Vardakostas estaba…


United States

Tiempo de Decisión

October 26, 2018

El 6 de noviembre, los estadounidenses votarán en las elecciones legislativas. Las elecciones legislativas se realizan en la mitad del mandato de cuatro años del presidente para elegir a miembros del Congreso. Este año, también hay miles de elecciones estatales…



Lifesaving Drones

October 19, 2018

For several days, 2-year-old Ghislane had been screeching in pain. Fever racked her tiny body. A nurse at the local clinic in central Rwanda told her mother that Ghislane’s blood cells were being attacked by malaria. There was nothing the…



Seguros en la escuela

September 27, 2018

Cox’s bazar, Bangladesh — Justo cuando el último niño pequeño sale en fila de la puerta, alrededor de 30 niños de 7 a 10 años de edad entran ruidosamente para reemplazarlo. Rápidamente, reclaman sus lugares alrededor del perímetro del alegre…


United States

8 Questions for Mandy Manning

September 26, 2018

Mandy Manning teaches immigrant and refugee children in Spokane, Washington. She is the 2018 National Teacher of the Year. TFK’s Lina Mai spoke with her about Manning’s goals as an educator and the potential she sees in every student. 1.…


In the Moment

August 31, 2018

Ten fifth graders are sitting on a bright-blue rug in a classroom at P.S. 54, a public elementary school in Brooklyn, New York. When their teacher, Adrienne Heim, strikes a bell, they take a deep breath. The kids are practicing…

Time Off

TFK Kid Reporter Summer Book Reviews

August 24, 2018

TFK Kid Reporters Benje Choucroun, Christopher Nguyen and Nolan Watson review two of the summer's exciting new books. Book Title: Peeves Author: Mike Van Waes Reviewed by TFK Kid Reporter: Benje Choucroun Genre: Science Fiction Number of pages: 336 …

Time Off

TFK Kid Reporter Summer Book Reviews

July 20, 2018

TFK Kid Reporters Erin Jeon and Luke Joachim review two of the summer's exciting new releases. Book Title: Eleanor Roosevelt, Fighter for Justice Author: Ilene Cooper Reviewed by: TFK Kid Reporter Erin Jeon Genre: Biography Number of…

TFK Library

Abraham Lincoln

July 12, 2018

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809–April 15, 1865) was the 16th president of the United States. He led the country through the Civil War and worked to end slavery. He was assassinated early in his second term. Abraham Lincoln was born…


Niños de Kakuma

April 11, 2018

KAKUMA, Kenia — Los animales salvajes deambulaban a la noche, pero Rose Peter y los otros 19 niños con los que estaba aún se las arreglaban para dormir en los arbustos. Durante el día, caminaban. “Una semana”, Rose me dice…



A Healthier Happy Meal

March 9, 2018

McDonald’s is making Happy Meals healthier. By June, all Happy Meal menus in the U.S. will be 600 calories or less. That’s an average reduction of 150 calories. Meals will have less sugar, fat, and salt, and no artificial colors…


Conoce a los influyentes

January 22, 2018

Educación y entretenimiento. Ciencias y deportes. Moda y recaudación de fondos. Estos son solo algunos de los campos en que jóvenes están cambiando el mundo. TIME escribió sobre alrededor de 30 jóvenes influyentes. Aquí, TFK presenta 10 de ellos. Muzoon…



A Bad Flu Season

January 19, 2018

Flu season in the United States runs from October through March. And this year’s flu is especially bad, 
according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “We are currently in the midst of a very active flu…

United States

A Monumental Fight

January 16, 2018

In December, President Donald Trump traveled to Utah. Supporters greeted him at the airport. But protesters waited for him at the state capitol. The purpose of the trip was to announce that two of Utah’s national monuments would be shrunk.…
