The Kid Report: Honoring Soldiers

The story “Honoring Soldiers”—about the 100-year anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier—appears in this week’s issue of TIME for Kids. Matt and Nate Walters are part of a military family. They write about their experience below.

Our dad served in the Army for 23 years. He retired last year as a lieutenant colonel. That means we are a military family. We’re proud of our dad. He served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He left for Afghanistan two weeks after we were born. He was wounded three months later and was sent home. Military families have to be apart a lot. The family member who’s in the military can get hurt or even killed. We were born in Colorado, then moved to California, then Virginia. Some military families move even more than that. So as you can see, military families sacrifice a lot. That’s why it’s so important on Veterans Day to honor everyone who has served in the military.