TIME for Kids has written about people taking heroic steps to help one another during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve also asked readers to tell us about whom they’d like to acknowledge during this time. Here, 10 young people illustrate and write about hometown heroes who have made a big impact on their lives. Check out the entries and let them inspire you to thank your hometown hero!
From Sonny P., 10, Shelby Township, Michigan:
My hometown hero is someone I always looked up to. He’s my older brother, Giuseppe. He’s a volunteer firefighter. His future wife, Kate, works as a certified nursing assistant at the hospital. Giuseppe volunteers his time there, too, and is going to school to be a police officer. He goes to visit our grandma to make sure she’s okay. He also made care packages for families that are dealing with COVID-19. He likes to make a difference and always wants to help. He’s willing to put his own life in danger to help others. He’s tough as nails and never asks for anything. I haven’t seen my brother much since the COVID-19 pandemic started. It’s hard to be away from him, but I know other people need him. My whole life, I have wanted to be just like my hero. I’m going to follow in his footsteps and help everyone I can.
From Jordyn H., 11, Oroville, California:

From Addie S., 12, Eau Claire, Wisconsin:

My mom does everything she can to help our family and other people. On April 14, she went to Hope Lutheran Church to give blood. My mom also got a sewing machine for Christmas, and put it to use making masks for hospital workers. She had never used her sewing machine before. So she had to learn how to use it first, and then she made masks. It took her about five days to make them all. And she donated money to the Humane Society. Think about all of the dogs and cats and bunnies. My mom gave money to help them.
From Robert J., 8, Atlanta, Georgia:

I want to thank all of the doctors and nurses that are helping people who have the virus.
From Veronica C., 8, Fair Lawn, New Jersey:

From Vincent R., 10, Shelby Township, Michigan:

My hometown heroes are my parents. They both deliver mail for the United States Postal Service (USPS). My dad, Paul, works in our town. My mom, Ricki, works in another town. They’re my heroes because they deliver mail and packages. Some of the packages contain medicine, essential items, and things people can’t get at stores. My parents also have conversations with people on their routes. One day, my mom helped an elderly man who fell in his house. Both of my parents walk several miles a day and see hundreds of people. Both of them took an oath to deliver mail through snow, rain, and even a pandemic. The USPS logo is an eagle. It represents hope, strength, resilience, and courage.
From Grace K., 9, Conneaut, Ohio:

From Kylie M., 12, San Antonio, Texas:
I want the teachers, nurses, and everyone who is making a difference to know that I appreciate you deeply for what you are doing. If we help others and contribute our time, then we can get through this. Don't forget we are all in this together.
From Yeteva B., 10, Cincinnati, Ohio:

From Peyton M., 8, Baltimore, Maryland:
My hometown hero is my mother. She is my hero because she helps with my schoolwork. She explains my work to me better. My mother tries to keep me safe and my life normal during this pandemic.