Girl Code

When Reshma Saujani founded the nonprofit organization Girls Who Code in 2013, it was a group of 40 students in New York City. Her mission was to inspire girls to pursue jobs in technology. Now, Girls Who Code offers free computer-science programs to more than 40,000 girls throughout the U.S.
Former TFK Kid Reporter Maeve Brennan sat down with Saujani in Time Inc. Studios to learn more about her and her two new books, Girls Who Code: Learn to Code and Change the World and Girls Who Code: The Friendship Code. Saujuani doesn’t have an educational background in coding and admits she is not a typical coder. “I was terrified of math and science growing up,” Saujuani told TFK. “I didn’t want girls to feel that way about a skill set that they need in this new economy.”
Free classes are a great place to start. She hopes her books will also get girls interested in coding. “Books made a huge impact on my life,” she says. “I hope these books will do the same for girls around the world.”