In The Seventh Voyage, astronaut Ijon Tichy is exploring the galaxy in his spaceship. A meteor hits the ship, sending it into a time loop. Ijon’s past and future selves begin to appear. At first, it’s just tomorrow’s Ijon. But the selves continue to multiply. Ijon has to keep them all in agreement. It’s his only hope of repairing the ship. Then a pair of child Ijons come up with a solution. It’s as funny as it is surprising.
The story was written by well-known science-fiction author Stanislaw Lem. Now it has been recreated as a graphic novel by illustrator Jon J. Muth.
“I love Lem’s writing, the way he looks at things,” Muth told TFK Kid Reporter Henry Carroll. “I hope the book makes readers laugh. Or at least groan in a good way. It would be great if it helps kids laugh at themselves a little more.”