The Ice Cream Machine is no ordinary tale. It’s six stories rolled into one flavorful book. They all have the same title. But each story has a very different plot revolving around ice cream.
One ice-cream story focuses on a boy and his robot in the distant future. Another is about a girl and her father who invent an ice-cream machine. My favorite story in the book centers on two sisters, Pam and Penelope, who attempt to enter an ice-cream–eating contest. The six stories are accompanied by black-and-white illustrations by six different artists.
The Ice Cream Machine’s author, Adam Rubin, has experience writing about food. His most famous children’s book is Dragons Love Tacos. It was a best-seller. “I like to write about food because it’s universally beloved by people of all different cultures,” Rubin says.
He hopes The Ice Cream Machine will inspire kids. Its jacket folds up into an envelope. Readers can use it to send Rubin their stories. He says people should write about what they like. “If you’re trying to write something that someone else likes, you might not get it right,” he says. “But if you focus on writing about something that you like, then it’s fun.”
I recommend The Ice Cream Machine to anyone who likes creative storytelling. The book goes down just like ice cream: easy, enjoyable, and with a pleasant aftertaste.
As for Rubin’s favorite ice-cream flavor? “Chocolate chip,” he says. (Don’t tell him, but the best flavor is actually birthday cake!)