Kid of the Week: Ava Toomey

What’s the wildlife problem in Massachusetts, and how you are helping?
Rodenticide, which is rat poison, also kills owls, hawks, and last year, two bald eagles. When the birds eat rodents, they get sick, too. I’m promoting a rodenticide bill that would ban the use of these poisons. My Girl Scout Troop is working to raise awareness about it.
How did you first hear about the issues with rodenticide?
I learned about a fox named Hawkins that was rat-poisoned. I wanted to help stop it. It’s bad for animals to get poisoned because of what people do.
Who else is helping?
Representative Jim Hawkins and Senator Paul Feeney proposed the legislation. Another Girl Scout Troop is raising awareness, as well.
What have you learned about the process of getting a bill passed?
It’s a long process. A bill might not always get passed [the first time]. Then you just have to try again.
The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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