Kid of the Week: Kate Carner

How did you get the idea for a floating lemonade stand?
We used to have a lemonade stand at the end of our street. Then we moved to our houseboat when I was 9. We still wanted a lemonade stand but there was nowhere to do it. So our dad started building us a floating one.
What do you do with the money you make?
We decided to donate to the Rainier Animal Fund, which gives care to animals whose owners can’t afford it.
What would you say to someone who wants to help a cause?
I would say you have to start somewhere. I think the best place to start would be doing something to raise money, or volunteering.
What are your plans for your floating lemonade stand?
Someday, I think it would be nice to make a couple more stands and give them to people.
Know a kid who’s doing something cool or newsworthy? Nominate them to be a TFK Kid of the Week! Send us your suggestions at