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Best Inventions of 2019

January 3, 2020

Every year, TIME magazine names the year’s best inventions. This year, the list includes robotic hands, recyclable footwear—what will they think of next? Inventors are always at work, dreaming up new technologies. Some inventions help us solve problems. Others make…



Drones in Space

November 8, 2019

In 2005, scientists saw close-up pictures of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. The pictures were snapped by a space probe. They showed mountains and dunes. There were riverbeds and lakes, too. That got scientists excited. Where there’s liquid, there could be…



Robotics Champions

November 8, 2019

An international robotics contest, the FIRST Global Challenge, took place from October 24 to 27 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Youth from 191 countries joined in. Contestants were asked to find solutions to ocean pollution. Each team was given a…


Defying Gravity

November 7, 2019

In space, there is no up or down. That’s because there is no gravity in space. Astronauts and everything else aboard a spacecraft float freely. Earthlings can experience the feeling of zero gravity without blasting into space. How? A zero-gravity…


The View

What's the Password?

October 23, 2019

In an ancient folktale, a giant rock blocks the entrance to a cave that’s filled with treasure. A door appears only for those who speak a secret phrase: “Open, sesame!” This is an early example of a password. Passwords have…


Women to Note

September 19, 2019

George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin. These are some of the historic American men who appear on United States paper currency. But where are the women? “Thousands of women have been overlooked in history,” Rosie Rios told TIME for Kid…



September 12, 2019

Deepfakes are videos with visual or audio content that has been manipulated. They can make it seem as if the video’s subject is saying words he or she hasn’t actually spoken. Videos like these used to be made only by…



Shooting for the Moon

September 6, 2019

It was July 20, 1969. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin climbed out of the Apollo 11 lander. They stepped onto the lunar surface. The United States had beaten the Soviet Union in the race to put humans on the…



Skyscraper Games

June 20, 2019

On June 10, at 8 p.m., more than a hundred people were gathered in a tent in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were there to play video games. But they wouldn’t be playing on any ordinary gaming system. Instead, they were gearing…



Space Getaways, for a Price

June 10, 2019

Want to visit the International Space Station? You may soon get your chance. There’s just one hitch: It’ll cost you $58 million. Last Friday, NASA announced it will open the space station to tourists. The first mission could happen as…