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Young Game Changers

Science with Nate

June 22, 2018

Eight-year-old Nate Butkus remembers what sparked his curiosity about the universe. “I first got interested when I saw a picture of Uranus,” Nate told TIME for Kids, referring to the seventh planet from the sun. But it wasn’t just space…


The Science of Summer Fun

April 30, 2018

Walk up a set of stairs. Sit in a pool of rushing water, and look down at the slide before you. Push off— whoosh! —and let gravity take it from there. This year, more than 85 million people around…



The Battle for Coral Reefs

April 3, 2018

Half of the world’s coral reefs have died in the last 30 years. The fight to save the remaining reefs just got more complicated. New research shows that even if people succeed in protecting reefs from pollution and overfishing, global…

The Human Body

Attitude Counts

March 9, 2018

Positive thinking leads to greater achievement. That’s what researchers at Stanford University found. They gave a math test to 240 children ages 7 to 10. Some of the children believed they were good at math. They did better on the…



December 11, 2017

Life can be very unpredictable for astronauts living and working on the International Space Station (ISS). There is no gravity. Parts of the station might stop working at any time. Space objects come flying at the station out of nowhere.…



An Astronaut’s View

December 9, 2017

Terry Virts is a former astronaut. He has had an unusual view of the world. He piloted the space shuttle Endeavour. And he spent 200 days on the International Space Station (ISS). While on the ISS, he snapped 319,275 photographs.…


Build It!

December 9, 2017

Amy Mainzer works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She is the science consultant on a space-themed STEM TV show on PBS KIDS called Ready Jet Go! She created this activity for TIME for Kids. Our world is full of machines.…


Into the Eye

October 3, 2017

Whipping wind and pounding rain take hold of the aircraft. Stomachs drop. The radar screen goes fuzzy. This would frighten most people. But flight director Jessica Williams remains focused. Williams is a hurricane hunter. She works for the National Oceanic…



Reversing Extinction

October 2, 2017

Bringing species back from extinction may seem more like science fiction than reality. But scientists are close to being able to bring animals back from the dead. The first major breakthrough in de-extinction happened about 15 years ago. A team…



Uncovering the Past

September 13, 2017

Dinosaurs are long gone. But scientists keep finding new types of the creatures. Two recent discoveries are helping experts better understand North America’s distant past. In May, a 110-million-year-old fossil went on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum, in Alberta,…
