Soap Challenge

Handwashing just got competitive. Jennifer George has issued a challenge: Find a creative way to drop a bar of soap into someone’s hand. The catch? Participants must do so in 10 to 20 steps by creating their own Rube Goldberg machine.
“A Rube Goldberg machine is a ridiculously complicated contraption that, in the end, does a very simple task,” George told TIME for Kids. She is Rube Goldberg’s granddaughter. She’s also the legacy director of Rube Goldberg Inc.
The Man, the Legend
Rube Goldberg was an inventor and an award-winning newspaper cartoonist. He was born in 1883. He drew about 50,000 cartoons in his career. He also liked eating giant bowls of whipped cream. And he wore shoes while swimming.

FUN AND GAMES Rube Goldberg drew wacky contraptions consisting of everyday objects.
COURTESY RUBE GOLDBERG INC.Goldberg is best known for his humorous drawings of elaborate devices. They include a self-operating napkin and an automatic back-scratcher. He “trained as an engineer,” George says. “So the way he thought would creep into his art.”
Challenge Accepted
Since 1988, Rube Goldberg Inc. has hosted competitions for students. But this year, plans changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. “It dawned on me that parents and kids are suddenly at home with all this time on their hands,” George says.
So the Rube Goldberg Bar of Soap Video Challenge was born. To enter, contestants must create an unedited video of their machine in action. It should show every step in the process, with a bar of soap dropping into a person’s hand at the end.
Goldberg made a career of drawing complex inventions. But here’s a surprising fact: He never built them. “I think he would be really amused that we’re all sitting here now trying to build these machines in his name,” George says.