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Star Ballerina

February 5, 2016

A basketball court is an odd place to dance ballet—or for a star ballerina to be discovered. But it was on a court at a Boys and Girls Club in San Pedro, California, that Misty Copeland took her first ballet…


Wildlife Detectives

January 22, 2016

It was June 6, 1989, and President George H.W. Bush had just stopped elephant ivory from coming into the United States. A wildlife inspector spotted a shipment of 200 ivory buttons. The person shipping them said they came from the…


Over the River

November 6, 2015

A bridge is taking shape over the Hudson River. The New NY Bridge, as it is being called for now, will replace the Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee. The three-mile-long Tappan Zee was built in 1955 and connects Nyack, New York,…


Shark Hunt

September 25, 2015

A shark smells prey and swims toward it. The meal is some bait attached to a camera on the ocean floor. The big fish heads to the camera, and it is caught on video. The scene is not for a…


Water Worries

April 24, 2015

California has survived many droughts. But the current dry spell, now in its fourth year, is one of the most severe the state has ever experienced. A shortage of precipitation has left lakes, reservoirs, and other sources of water at…


My Life as a Robot

March 23, 2015

After I had surgery, the doctor said I needed to stay home for at least a week. With exams coming up, I worried about missing class. My family thought of a solution: I would go to school as a robot.…


Robots in Action

March 20, 2015

Robots are on the rise! Today, they can be found working in hotels and stores. Machines will soon be used to study sea creatures up close. These robots can blend right in with underwater habitats. Robots take on tasks to…


Should Technology Companies Store Students' Personal Data?

March 6, 2015

Technology is making it easier for schools to collect information about students. Much of the data is collected and stored by technology companies, and not by the schools or the families. Supporters say the programs make it easier for teachers…


TFK Person of the Year: Malala

January 23, 2015

TIME FOR KIDS readers vote for Malala Yousafzai as the top newsmaker of 2014. In December, we asked you to choose the most important newsmaker of 2014. More than 11,000 votes were cast in our online poll. Who beat out…


A Taylor-Made Star

December 19, 2014

Taylor Swift is no stranger to triumphs. But even for her, 2014 has been a great year. Her new album, 1989, sold almost 1.3 million copies the first week it was out. Billboard named her its Woman of the Year.…


The Business of Sharing

November 21, 2014

How many of your toys have you played with lately? A 2010 British study found that the average 10-year-old owns 238 toys but plays with just 12 daily. So why not rent toys? It would cut back on waste and…


Scrap Metal

March 21, 2014

It has been clear for years that U.S. shoppers and businesses have little interest in dollar coins. Banks returned so many of them to the Federal Reserve that the Treasury stopped making them in 2011, except to meet the demands…

United States

The Drive to Succeed

February 28, 2014

It was an important victory. On October 26, 2013, Darrell Wallace Jr., 20, was the first to cross the finish line in NASCAR's Camping World Truck Series Kroger 200, at Martinsville Speedway, in Virginia. The win made Wallace the second…


A Safe Place to Live

January 24, 2014

Seeking safety from a bloody civil war in Syria, more than 2 million people have fled the country. About 600,000 of these refugees are living in neighboring Jordan. Most of them expected to return home after a few months. But…


A Helping Hand

January 14, 2014

Leon McCarthy, 12, was born without fingers on his left hand. He could do many simple tasks. But he could not grasp more than one thing at a time. So Leon's father, Paul, created a prosthesis, using a 3D printer.…


Meet Rex

March 8, 2013

He sees. He walks. His heart pumps blood. But Rex, as he is called in the United Kingdom, is not human. In fact, he's not even alive. Rex is the world's most advanced bionic man. He was created by scientists…


Homemade Fun

April 27, 2012

Caine Monroy, 9, has always loved arcades. Last summer, instead of playing someone else's games, he decided to make his own. Caine was spending his summer vacation at his dad's auto-parts store in Los Angeles, California. There were plenty of…


A Mural's Story

March 11, 2011

Can you imagine what it would feel like to have a mural by a famous artist in your room? In the 1960s, two children in New York City had this experience. Two years before Maurice Sendak gained international fame for…


Video: Ruwanka Purasinghe, Geotechnical Engineer

February 20, 2010

Meet Ruwanka Purasinghe, a geotechnical engineer, in this video from NBC News Learn. You can learn more about Purasinghe and geotechnical engineering in the Mar…



Video: Jay Brannon, Environmental Engineer

February 20, 2010

Meet Jay Brannon, an environmental engineer, in this video from NBC News Learn. You can learn more about Brannon and environmental engineering in the March 1, 2…
