For our Earth Day special issue, we’re featuring three new books about our home—and the plants and animals that live here.
Hello, Earth!
Hello, Earth! Poems to Our Planet explores the extraordinary place we call home. Each poem is dedicated to the Earth’s wonders. These include its volcanoes, deserts, oceans, and more. Joyce Sidman is the book’s author. She told TIME for Kids she was inspired to use poetry to show young readers the beauty and importance of the environment. “It’s a wonderful way of writing about the world that shows us the mysterious . . . things that go on in nature,” she says. —By Karena Phan
How to Change Everything
How to Change Everything is a tool kit for young activists who want to protect the planet. The book explains both the chemistry and the politics of climate change. It was written by Naomi Klein. She has been writing about environmental activism for more than 15 years. “During that time, the movement has gotten younger and younger,” Klein told TFK. She believes that kids have the power to make a difference. Klein wants readers to speak up. “Young people are already leading the climate movement,” she says. “[They’re] raising the alarm and leading the way toward solutions.” —By Ellen Nam
The Elephant Doctor of India
The Elephant Doctor of India tells the true story of Dr. Kushal Konwar Sarma. He grew up in a village in Assam, India. As a young boy, he loved elephants. But the elephants living in Assam didn’t have proper medical care. This motivated Sarma to become a veterinarian when he got older. Since realizing his dream, he has traveled all over Assam to heal and save elephants. Janie Chodosh tells Sarma’s story. She told TFK she hopes it will give kids “a sense of wonder” and “inspire them to care about the natural world.” —By Rebecca Mordechai