When Geetha moves to the United States with her mom, she leaves her family behind in India, along with everything she has ever known. The change isn’t easy. At school, people make fun of her and her accent.
To cope, Geetha plays her flute and visits the beach. She meets Miguel, and they help rescue a stranded harp seal pup. Visiting the pup makes Geetha happy, and she and Miguel start a program to clean up the beach.
In Safe Harbor, author and former oceanographer Padma Venkatraman encourages readers to find ways to help the environment. “Never think what you are doing is too small,” Venkatraman tells TFK. “We need to think big as well as small. Learn to speak up and stand up for what we need.”
Safe Harbor is an animal rescue story, but it also explores topics like the immigrant experience, divorce, and dealing with change. Venkatraman also wants young readers to feel empowered to clean up the environment and ask for help doing it. “All of us can do something,” she says.